Increasingly, it is hard for a candidate or issue to get through the political season without cutting a television ad. Increasingly, television and video are becoming ubiquitous parts of our lives. And, the amount of money spent on ads in Northwest Ohio continues to break records with every election year. Get ready for Politics @ 30fps.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Obama for America: "Quiet" California Ad
Note: Sorry there was no embed code for this one. We'll just have to rely on a good old fashioned link.
[][via The Hotline]
Friday, January 11, 2008
Hillary Clinton for President: Listen
Video description: "Over the past week, I listened to you, and in the process, I found my own voice. You helped remind everyone that politics isn't a game. This campaign is about people, about making a difference in your lives. It's time we had a president who stand up for all of you."
Romney for President: "Pride Of America"
Video description: "Romney For President Campaign Ad"
John McCain 2008: TV Ad: Michigan Endorsed
Video description: "Michigan newspapers endorse John McCain."
Victims Voice: "If not for Mike Huckabee...Carol Sue would be with us."
Video description: "Lois Davidson: 'My name is Lois Davidson. My daughter was raped and murdered by Wayne Dumond.'
Carol Sue Shields was brutally murdered by Wayne Dumond.
Dumond was in an Arkansas prison for raping a 17 year old high school cheerleader, until Governor Mike Huckabee helped him get out. Thanks to Mike Huckabee, Dumond was released from his Arkansas prison. Then, less than one year later, he raped and murdered Carol Sue Shields.
Lois Davidson: 'If not for Mike Huckabee, Wayne Dumond would've been in prison and Carol Sue would be with us.'"
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Obama for America: NEW COMMERCIAL: Moment
Video description: "Here is our new commercial airing in Nevada. This is our moment to stand up. Get involved."
John Edwards for President: John Edwards - "Mill" Ad
Video description: "Our latest ad running in South Carolina"
Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee: Rudy Giuliani Television Ad, "First Day"
Video description: "Watch Rudy's television ad "First Day" about the largest tax cut in American history that the Mayor would send to Congress on day one."
Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee: Rudy Giuliani Television Ad, "Super Bowl"
Video description: "Rudy Giuliani Television Ad, "Super Bowl""
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee: Rudy Florida TV Ad, "Liderazgo"
Video description: "Rudy Florida TV Ad, "Liderazgo""
Note: This one is in Spanish and has no subtitles.
Huckabee for President: Understanding - Mike Huckabee Michigan Ad
Video description: "Mike Huckabee's campaign ad running in Michigan"
ClubforGrowth.Net: ClubforGrowth.Net's New Huckabee Ad in Michigan
Video description: "ClubforGrowth.Net Releases New Huckabee Ad in Michigan
Washington -- Club for Growth.Net will begin running a new television issue ad tomorrow in Michigan, educating the public about Mike Huckabee's tax-and-spend record and urging people to call Mike Huckabee and tell him to support a permanent moratorium on taxation of Internet access. As governor, Mike Huckabee joined with two Democratic governors in opposing a federal ban on Internet taxes, saying a federal ban would amount to "putting a federal stop sign onto a state road."
Using a folksy humorous tone, the $200,000 ad buy demonstrates just how liberal Mike Huckabee's record was on taxes and spending. In fact, his economic record looks a lot like that of another governor from Hope, Arkansas—Democrat Bill Clinton. Besides increasing spending by 50%, Huckabee's support for higher taxes included:
· Sales tax (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 10/17/96)
· Gas tax (Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, 04/02/99)
· Grocery tax (Associated Press, 09/11/02)
· Taxes on nursing home beds (Associated Press, 06/25/01)
· Taxes on Internet access (Reuters, 02/23/04)
"Mike Huckabee argues that he is an economic conservative because he cut taxes ninety times, but he doesn't tell the American public that his tax increases far surpassed his tax cuts," said Club for Growth.Net President Pat Toomey. "Given Mike Huckabee's persistent dissembling, Club for Growth.Net feels it is important to educate people about Mike Huckabee's economic record so they can call the Arkansas governor and challenge him to reform his economic policies. The ad reflects Club for Growth.Net's conviction that economic growth can only be sustained by lowering the tax burden."
The $200,000 ad buy will run on statewide broadcast and cable television stations in Michigan through January 15."
American Right to Life Action: Romney Pro-Life FairyTale
Video description: "Mitt Romney's flip-flops on abortion over many years, but even recently. American Right to Life Action exposes him! is a new 527 group, which is airing this video as a commercial in Iowa on FOXNews. This is their first ad."
Alliance for a New America: Pro-Edwards TV Ad
Video description: "pro-John Edwards television ad funded by 527 group 'Alliance for New America.' The group is backed by a number of state and local branches of the Service Employees International Union and is being advised by Nick Baldick, who managed Edwards's 2004 presidential campaign."
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Monday, January 07, 2008
Hillary Clinton for President: Crossroads
Video description: "Thank you New Hampshire, for welcoming me into your homes and hearts. And when you vote, I hope you'll ask one question: Who is ready to be president on day one?"
From The Politco's Ben Smith:
Hillary's closing ad
Hillary closes, as in Iowa, with a two-minute ad thanking New Hampshire and stressing readiness.
Hillary Clinton for President: NH Negative Direct Mailer
On Eve Of Primary, Hillary Drops Negative Mailer Hitting Obama On Taxes
By Greg Sargent
Romney For President: "Tomorrow"
"Tomorrow" ... Romney's Two-Minute Warning
Mitt Romney hits the Granite State airwaves for his final plea to voters: a two-minute spot that airs tonight. In the ad, he pitches himself as, shocker, the change candidate.
"It's long past time to bring real change to Washington," says Romney, standing outside in the cold New Hampshire air, a gray sky above. "That's never going to happen if all we do is send the same people back to Washington to sit in different chairs."
Romney touts his experience running the Olympics and in business. And taking a page out of the Rudy Giuliani campaign handbook, he throws in a bit of economic and geopolitical fearmongering, asking: "Will someone in China or India take your job? Or will you be selling American products to them? Will your children fear attack from violent Jihadists?"
Sunday, January 06, 2008
John Edwards for President: John Edwards - "Underdog" Ad
Video description: "Our latest ad now airing in New Hampshire"
Note this is a parody video, but I thought it was pretty funny. IT has little merit, but sometimes you just need a laugh.