Video description: "Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter explains why he's supporting Hillary for president."
Increasingly, it is hard for a candidate or issue to get through the political season without cutting a television ad. Increasingly, television and video are becoming ubiquitous parts of our lives. And, the amount of money spent on ads in Northwest Ohio continues to break records with every election year. Get ready for Politics @ 30fps.
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Hillary Clinton for President: Get It Done
Hillary Clinton for President: Spectacular
Video description: "Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell says it's going to take a fighter to get us out of the mess we're in -- and Hillary is that fighter."
Hillary Clinton for President: Scranton
Video description: "Hillary spent her summers in Scranton growing up, and those memories are part of the foundation of her faith in the American dream."
Hillary Clinton for President: Falling Through - Pennsylvania
Video description: "The Bush economy is like a trapdoor. Pennsylvania families are too close to falling through."
Hillary Clinton for President: Steel
Video description: "Indiana Senator Evan Bayh says that Hillary Clinton is the leader that Indiana and America needs."
Note: Hillary Clinton's first ad up in Indiana.
[][via The Hotline]
Hillary Clinton for President: Nuestra Amiga (Our Friend)
Video description: "Hillary is the one candidate in this race who understands the Latino community and the problems that it faces -- lack of health care, the economic crisis, and the high cost of living."