Saturday, December 15, 2007

John Edwards for President: John Edwards - "Fight" TV Ad

Video description: "John Edwards' latest campaign ad."

Hillary Clinton for President Exploratory Committee: Proud (New Hampshire)

Video description: "
In a campaign ad, Hillary talks about how she's proud of the values she learned growing up, values she shares with many of the people she meets. And she's especially proud of passing them on."

Note: I can't tell the difference between this one and the previous one named "Proud." Must be in name name only.

Friday, December 14, 2007

Hillary Clinton for President Exploratory Committee: Proud

Video description: "In a campaign ad, Hillary talks about how she's proud of the values she learned growing up, values she shares with many of the people she meets. And she's especially proud of passing them on."

Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee: Rudy Giuliani New Television Ad

Video description: "Rudy Giuliani New Television Ad "Will""

Hillary Clinton for President Exploratory Committee: Hillary's Mom

Video description: "In a new campaign ad, Hillary's mother, Dorothy Rodham, talks about why her daughter should be the next president of the United States."

John Edwards for President: John Edwards - "Voice" TV Ad

Video description: "John Edwards tells the story of James Lowe, a man who had no voice for 50 years because he couldn't afford a simple operation."

Hillary Clinton for President Exploratory Committee: Proud

Video description: "In a campaign ad, Hillary talks about how she's proud of the values she learned growing up, values she shares with many of the people she meets. And she's especially proud of passing them on."

Hillary Clinton for President Exploratory Committee: Hillary's Mom

Video description: "In a new campaign ad, Hillary's mother, Dorothy Rodham, talks about why her daughter should be the next president of the United States."

Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee: Rudy Giuliani New Television Ad "Will"

Video description: "Rudy Giuliani New Television Ad "Will""

Wednesday, December 12, 2007 Campaign Ad Switcheroo

Video description: "Damned Spot: John Edwards is running the same TV ad in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. Or is it the same ad? The Demographics of the extras in each version are noticeably different. Chadwick Matlin compares them."

Richardson for President: Lee Iacocca Praises Richardson's Experience in

Video description: "Former Ford President and Chrysler CEO Lee Iacocca endorses New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson for President. In this add titled 'Guts,' Iacocca says he's 'looking for a President with experience creating jobs and the guts to lead.'"

Note: This is a 30 second version of 1 min ad posted back on November 1,2007.

Here's the link:

Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee: Rudy Giuliani Radio Ad

Videoo description: "Rudy Giuliani Radio Ad "Deliver""

John McCain 2008: TV Ad: Trust

Video description: "Learn more at"

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Biden for President: New Campaign Ad - "Action"

Video description: "Contribute today and help us keep this ad on the air in Iowa:"

Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign Committee: Ron Paul Radio Ad #6 (No IRS, No Income Tax)

Video description: "Introduce Ron Paul to voters in New Hampshire, Iowa, South Carolina and Nevada with this radio ad. Donate at"

Chris Dodd for President: Ad: I Am

Video description: ""

Monday, December 10, 2007

Ohio Republican Party: Fred Thompson Supports Bob Latta

Video description: "Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson visits Columbus. Plus, we're just a few days away from the 5th Congressional District special election. Find out how you can help get Republican Bob Latta elected on Tuesday. And learn how you can vote early in the 5th Congressional District special election."

John Edwards for President: John Edwards - "Heroes" Ad - South Carolina

Video description: "In the his newest South Carolina ad, John Edwards reaffirms his commitment to honoring and fighting for America's true heroes -- the working men and women of South Carolina. The ad features footage of Edwards speaking at a campaign event interspersed with images of hardworking Americans -- including plant worker Mike Evatt of Seneca, Dr. James Blassingame of Sumter and soul food restaurant owner Martha Grant."

Romney For President: Choice: The Record

Video description: "Romney For President Campaign Ad"

Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign Committee: Ron Paul TV Ad: Healthcare

Video description: "Introduce Dr. Paul to voters in New Hampshire and Iowa with this TV ad. Donate today at"

Huckabee for President Exploratory Committee: A Better America

Video description: "Mike Huckabee television ad on a better America."

Huckabee for President Exploratory Committee: Secure Borders

Video description: "Mike Huckabee television ad on securing America's border first."

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Hillary Clinton for President Exploratory Committee: New Beginning

Video description: "In a new campaign ad, Hillary talks about how America needs a new beginning -- on health care, on education, and in Iraq."