Video description: "One candidate with the nationwide support needed to take it all the way to the White House. Washington is broken. Help Mitt Romney fix it."
Increasingly, it is hard for a candidate or issue to get through the political season without cutting a television ad. Increasingly, television and video are becoming ubiquitous parts of our lives. And, the amount of money spent on ads in Northwest Ohio continues to break records with every election year. Get ready for Politics @ 30fps.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Romney for President: "Momentum"
Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee: Rudy Giuliani Television Ad, "It Matters"
Thursday, January 17, 2008
UNITE HERE Campaign Committee: Pro-Obama Radio Ad in Spanish
Here's a translation of the ad from CBS News:
The ad says (translation by UNITE HERE):
"Hillary Clinton does not respect our people. Hillary Clinton’s supporters went to court to stop working people from being able to vote on Saturday. That is disgraceful. Unforgivable. Hillary Clinton does not respect our people who work hard. Hillary Clinton’s supporters want to stop people who are working on Saturday so they can’t vote. Disgraceful. Unforgivable. Shame on Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton should not let her friends attack the right of our people to vote on Saturday. Disgraceful. Unforgivable. No respect. Senator Barack Obama is defending our right to vote. Senator Obama wants our votes. He respects our votes. He respects our community, our gente. Barack Obama’s campaign theme is 'Si Se Puede.' Yes we can. Vote for a President who respects us and our right to vote. Obama for President. Yes we can.
[via] Political Action: Rudy, Mitt, Mike: Leaders of the free world?
Video description: "We're one year away from Inauguration Day, 2009. With that in mind, it's scary when you actually listen to what Sen. McCain, Gov. Romney, and Gov. Huckabee are saying. Donate now to help make sure they don't win in November. ideo.html"
Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee: Rudy Giuliani Television Ad, "Quotes"
Video description: "Rudy Giuliani Television Ad, "Quotes""
Hillary Clinton for President: Voices
Video description: "'In this troubled economy, how can so many millions of people simply not be heard? If I'm your president, I will bring your voice to the White House.'"
John Edwards for President: John Edwards - "One Winner" Ad
Video description: "Which Democrat would ban Washington lobbyists from the White House staff? Which Democrat beats all the Republicans in the recent CNN poll?"
Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee: Rudy Giuliani Television Ad, "Jumpstart"
Video description: "Rudy Giuliani Television Ad, "Jumpstart""
Friends of Fred Thompson: Fred Thompson TV Ad: Consistent Conservative
Video description: "TV ad to be run in South Carolina."
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Romney For President: Michigan Mailer from January 15th, 2008.
I found this one over on the thanks to Jonathan Martins's post: Mitt's Mich immigration mail
Hillary Clinton for President: "La Voz de los que no tienen Voz"
Video description: "Hillary ha sido un agente de cambio para la comunidad latina luchando por el cuidado de salud, nuevos empleos, y por ponerle un fin a la demagogia anti-hispana en el paÃs. Con ella tendremos un vida mejor."
AFSME PEOPLE Committee: I Didn't Know
Video description: "Hillary Clinton's experience and dedication to the nation highlighted in this Nevada Caucus commercial sponsored by the AFSCME PEOPLE Independent Expenditure Program."
John Edwards for President: John Edwards - "Deal" Ad
Video description: "Which Democrat opposed NAFTA and other trade deals that send American jobs overseas?"
John Edwards for President: John Edwards - "Beats" Ad
Video description: "Who's the only Democrat that beats all the Republicans in the recent CNN poll?"
John Edwards for President: John Edwards - "Dime" Ad
Video description: "Which Democrat has never taken a dime of campaign money from Washington lobbyists?"
Obama for America: On the Air in Nevada: "Something is Happening"
Video description: "Algo grande está pasando en América.
Something huge is happening across America."
John Edwards for President: John Edwards - "Ban" Ad
Video description: "Who's the only Democrat who would ban Washington lobbyists from the White House staff?"
Monday, January 14, 2008 Ad: "Reckless"
Note: This is an old one from before the 2008 Iowa Caucus. I found it in the washington post's archive. Link below.
AFSME PEOPLE Committee: AFSCME for Hillary
Video description: "527 ad for Iowa"
Note: This is an old one from before the 2008 Iowa Caucus. I found it in the washington post's archive. Link below.
Hillary Clinton for President: Voices
Video description: "In this troubled economy, how can so many millions of people simply not be heard? If I'm your president, I will bring your voice to the White House."
Friends of Fred Thompson: Fred Thompson TV Ad: "Always"
Video description: ""
[][via The Hotline]
Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign Committee: Ron Paul TV Ad: We Have The Answer
Video description: "Help Ron air this TV ad in South Carolina and Nevada. Donate today at"