Thursday, April 24, 2008

Hillary Clinton for President: Jobs

Video description: "The next president has to begin putting the American people first. Your jobs. Your health care. Your futures."


Hillary Clinton for President: David

Video description: ""It is one of the highest obligations of our president and Commander-in-Chief to take care of our veterans. We owe everything to those who have served us.""


National Republican Congressional Committee: Warning Label

Note: This ad is not for one of the presidential candidates but an attack ad on Don Cazayouz. However, this ad also strongly attacks Barack Obama.

Video description: "NRCC's latest Don Cazayoux Ad"


Obama for America: "He Has What It Takes" - TV Ad

Video description: "Airing in Pennsylvania."


Hillary Clinton for President: Kitchen

Video description: "Harry Truman said it best: if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Who do you think has what it takes?"


Hillary Clinton for President: Spoke Out

Video description: "America is desperate for economic leadership. All it takes is a president who knows how."


Hillary Clinton for President: For People

Video description: "We need a leader who really cares about the people. She's for families, she's for people like me."
