Saturday, October 06, 2007

John McCain 2008: Bold Solutions for Michigan

Video description: "Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman, Jr. talks about John McCain's bold solutions for Michigan."

Friday, October 05, 2007

Romney for President: TV Spot: "Unplugged Iowa" (:60)

Video description: "60-second TV spot, first aired February 21,2007"

Slate V: Damned Spot: A Fall Harvest

Video description: "With campaign ads now coming fast and furious, Slate's John Dickerson deconstructs a series of recent offerings from Obama, Clinton, McCain, and Romney."

Log Cabin Republicans: Romney's Real Record

Video description: "Log Cabin Republicans TV Ad Campaign Sets the Record Straight About Mitt Romney"

Romney For President: "Tax Pledge"

Video description: "Romney Radio Advertisement"

Club for Growth PAC Releases Hard-Hitting Ad in OH-5

Text that appears on the Club for Growth PAC website along with the release of this new commercial:

Washington -- Today, the Club for Growth PAC released an ad in Ohio's fifth congressional district that sets the record straight about State Senator Bob Latta's tax-and-spend record and educates voters about Steve Buehrer's conservative economic principles. The large ad buy will run on both broadcast and cable stations throughout the district.

Both tax-and-spend Latta and conservative Buehrer were representatives in the Ohio House in 2003 when then-Governor Robert Taft proposed a budget containing the largest tax and spending increase in state history, but their records could not be more different. As the Club for Growth PAC ad points out, Buehrer opposed the Taft budget tooth and nail. Bob Latta voted to slap Ohio taxpayers with astronomically high sales and business taxes.

This ad is particularly important since Bob Latta has wasted no time in twisting the truth about his own record. "It is sad to see Bob Latta distort the facts in order to paint himself as a 'rock-solid conservative' when in fact, he supported record tax and spending increases," said Club for Growth President Pat Toomey. "The Club for Growth PAC ad will inform voters of the truth about Bob Latta's record."

"Having a taxpayer hero like Steve Buehrer in the U.S. Congress is especially important in this day and age when most Washington politicians are spending taxpayer dollars like there is no tomorrow."

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Hillary Clinton for President Exploratory Committee: Stand by Us

Video description: "Our new ad airing in Iowa and New Hampshire shows how Hillary has stood up for health care and how she keeps standing until she gets results."

Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee: Rudy Radio - Tested

Video desciption: "I've been tested in a way in which the American people can look to me. They're not going to find perfection, but they're gonna find somebody who's delt with crisis almost on a regular basis and has results, results people thought were impossible."