Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Richardson for President: Candidates

Video description: "Our next President is going to face a tough job cleaning up the mess Bush will leave behind. Our new ad "Candidates" (first shown during the CNN/YouTube debate) discusses Bill Richardson's record of getting things done and creating jobs as Governor of New Mexico."

Richardson for President: New "Heroes" TV Ad

Video description: "This ad details Richardson's efforts to get decent life insurance for National Guard soldiers and proposes a "Heroes Health Card" for veterans."

TANCREDOO8: Tancredo TV Commercial

Video description: "Tancredo television ad"

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

CNN/YouTube Democratic Presidential Debate

Here are just a few of the available campaign commercials that were feature during the CNN/YouTube Democratic Presidential Debate that was broadcast Monday, July 23rd, 2007. I'll keep looking for the rest.

Mike Gravel for President 2008: Mike Gravel 30 second spot for CNN

Biden for President: Joe Biden CNN/YouTube :30 Ad

Kucinich for President 2008: Dennis Kucinich - Text for Peace

Obama for America: Join Us

Monday, July 23, 2007

More and more YouTube only advertisements...

It seems that candidates are producing ads that are only meant for YouTube or the web. The next three ads vary in production value and only seem to be meant for web. It seems to me that candidates are taking YouTube very seriously. More on this later.

John Edwards for President: John Edwards - Hair

Video description: "What really matters? You choose."

Kucinich for President 2008: Dennis Kucinich - Text for Peace

Video description: "You can vote NOW to end the war in Iraq. Text 'PEACE' -- 73223 -- to send a message to the White House and to the Democratic Congress that now's the time to end the war. Make your vote count and your voice be heard." Congressman and Democratic Presidential candidate Dennis Kucinich. Video by Chad Ely"

Chris Dodd for President: Chris Dodd's White Hare

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Richardson for President: New "Stand Up" TV Ad

Video description: " Gov. Bill Richardson calls for a new plan for Iraq in this TV ad."