Video description: "Rudy's New TV Ad "Challenges""
Increasingly, it is hard for a candidate or issue to get through the political season without cutting a television ad. Increasingly, television and video are becoming ubiquitous parts of our lives. And, the amount of money spent on ads in Northwest Ohio continues to break records with every election year. Get ready for Politics @ 30fps.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee: Rudy's New TV Ad "Challenges"
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Robin Weirauch for Congress: Weirauch goes up on TV
Video description: "First TV spot for the special election to be held on 12/11/2007. This ad is a little bit about me and what I believe in!"
John Edwards for President: John Edwards - Thanksgiving - TV ad
Video description: ""We wish you and your family a joyful Thanksgiving and hope you have the opportunity to treasure this day with those you love.""
John Edwards for President: John Edwards - Thanksgiving - South Carolina TV ad
Video description: ""We wish you and your family a joyful Thanksgiving and hope you have the opportunity to treasure this day with those you love."
--John and Elizabeth Edwards"
Hillary Clinton for President Exploratory Committee: Machine
Video description: "There's one candidate with the strength to fight and the experience to lead."
Monday, November 19, 2007
Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee: Rudy Giuliani Ad
Video description: "Rudy Giuliani Ad "Leadership""
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Huckabee for President Exploratory Committee: HuckChuckFacts
Video description: "Mike Huckabee and Chuck Norris review facts about Governor Huckabee"
Note: Another ad that reaches "infotainment" status. It may be very very funny, but its really just another political ad.
They formated this one to one minute so it could conceivably air on television. I doubt they will though. Most likely they don't have the money to air this one. Also, it may not be targeted enough for a general television release. In other words, the internet audience that will see this ad is most likely a little more sophisticated than the general television audience. The internet crowd is just more likely to get the joke.
I have to hand it to the Huckabee crowd for trying to capitalize on the extreme popularity of a pop culture icon like Chuck Norris. Damned Spot: Pre-Thanksgiving Edition
Video description: "With the Iowa Caucuses just six weeks away, campaign ads are flowing freely. Slate's John Dickerson decodes a fresh bactch of spots."
Note: This one is funny. John Dickerson does a great job at pointing out the cheap tricks that campaigns use in their ads to pull the strings of the viewers. This wonderful commentary really demonstrates that political advertising is no different than commercial advertising. The ads use the same types of elements to create a world within the ad and then they share that world with you, the viewer.