Video description: "John McCain 2008"
Increasingly, it is hard for a candidate or issue to get through the political season without cutting a television ad. Increasingly, television and video are becoming ubiquitous parts of our lives. And, the amount of money spent on ads in Northwest Ohio continues to break records with every election year. Get ready for Politics @ 30fps.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
Friday, December 07, 2007
Latta for Congress Committee: A Liberal or a Conservative You Choose
Video description: "You can choose on December 11th a man with your values; or a woman without."
Latta for Congress Committee: Robin Weirauch Lied
Video description: "This is a responce after Robin Weirauch broke her promice and launched a negative campaign."
National Republican Congressional Committee:Robin Weirauch and her extreme liberal values
Video description: "Robin Weirauch doesn't represent Ohio values"
Club for Growth PAC: "United:" Club for Growth.Net Ad on Huckabee
Video description: "Club for Growth.Net is running an ad on Mike Huckabee entitled 'United'"
From Club for Growth.Net's webiste: "The initial ad buy of $175,000 will run on broadcast TV and statewide cable in Iowa, on statewide cable in South Carolina, and on FOX News nationwide, with an expectation to dramatically increase the buy in the near future."
Romney For President: "Not Politically Correct"
Video description: "Romney For President Campaign Ad"
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Latta for Congress Committee: Bob Latta Immigration
Video description: (from YouTube user: rightangleblog) "Bob Latta Immigration, OH-5"
Robin Weirauch for Congress: Chief- Our New Ad With the Governor
Video description: "Our new ad with the Governor is out! You should see it."
Robin Weirauch for Congress: Our Response Ad to Bob Latta
Video description: "Latta is at it again! And this is our response to him."
National Republican Congressional Committee: (OH-5 Special) Robin Weirauch - Wrong on the Issues
Video description: "Robin Weirauch acknowledged she supports a national health care bill that some critics claim would extend free health-care benefits to illegal immigrants."
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Democratic Congressional Campaign Commitee: Thank Bob Latta For Your Higher Gas Prices
Video description: "Bob Latta has been a good friend to the Oil & Gas Industry.
Call Bob Latta and thank him for your higher gas prices: (419) 352-1956
- State Representative Bob Latta owns between $315,000 and $700,000 in shares of funds which invest in Exxon, Chevron, and Halliburton. [2007 Latta Financial Disclosure]
- Since 2006, State Representative Bob Latta has made between $29,212 and $76,000 in capital gains from his ownership of funds which invest in Exxon, Chevron and Halliburton. [2007 Latta Financial Disclosure]
- State Representative Bob Latta has accepted $9,000 from the PACs of Big Oil companies including BP, Exxon Mobil, Valero and Marathon Oil to fund his campaigns. [Ohio Secretary of State, Latta for Congress FEC Disclosures]"
Hillary Clinton for President Exploratory Committee: New Ad: "Wes Clark"
Video description: "General Wesley Clark dismisses the attacks against Hillary and says he trusts her to deal with the many challenges that America faces around the world."
John Edwards for President: John Edwards - "Rigged" Ad
Video description: "John Edwards' latest ad airing on TV in New Hampshire."
Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee: Rudy Giuliani TV Ad "One Hour"
Video description: "Watch Rudy Giuliani's new TV Ad "One Hour""
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Robin Weirauch for Congress: 2nd TV Spot from Weirauch for Congress
Video description: "This is my second tv spot" Rudy's Real Record
Video description: "Rudy's Real Record"
John Edwards for President: John Edwards - "20 Generations" Ad
Video description: "John Edwards' latest television ad: 'Twenty generations of Americans have left their children a better life. My dad worked in mills for 30 years to do it for us. Now corruption and corporate greed mean we could be the first generation to fail. I've spent my life fighting for families against big corporations that were crushing them. They trusted me with their lives, and I fought for them with everything I had. I'm John Edwards, and I approved this message because I want every American to be able to give their children a better life. That's the moral test of our generation.'"
Monday, December 03, 2007
Democratic Congressional Campaign Commitee: Ohio Deserves Better Than Bob Latta
Video description: "Coingate: a scandal ensnaring Governor Taft, Tom Noe, and career politician Bob Latta.
Bob Latta took over $1000 from Taft crony Tom Noe who ripped off millions from Ohio taxpayers and was sentenced to federal prison.
Now this: Latta rebuked for breaking campaign law. Latta's own lawyer admitted their campaign was "misleading" and a "low blow."
Taft. Noe. Latta. Ohio deserves better."
Note: Here's an article from, a conservative website, about the DCCC media buy for attack ads on Bob Latta.
National Republican Senatorial Committee: Sounds Like Hillary
Video description: "Just like Hillary Clinton in a recent Democrat presidential debate, Mary Landrieu has flip-flopped and offered contradictory positions on illegal immigration.
Mary Landrieu voted for and then against protecting tougher ID requirements when hiring immigrants -- "Yes" and "No" on the same bill, on the same day.
Mary Landrieu and Hillary Clinton . . . two peas in a pod."
Note: This ad is actually targeted at Mary Landrieu, but it also disparages Hillary Clinton. Its a two for one deal wit this ad.
John Edwards for President: John Edwards - "Together" TV Ad - New Hampshire
Video description: "The latest John Edwards ad launched in New Hampshire on Monday, December 3, 2007."
Sunday, December 02, 2007 Damned Spot: Fast and Furious Roundup
Video "The airwaves in Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina are teeming with campaign ads. Slate's John Dickerson deconstructs the latest bunch."
Log Cabin Republicans: Romney "Mitt-Flops" Radio Ad
New Log Cabin Republicans Radio Ad Highlights Romney's "Mitt Flops" on Taxes. Radio Ad Targets Video description: "Governor Romney's Record Hiking Taxes on New Hampshire Residents. Learn more at"
Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee: Rudy Giuliani's New Television Ad "Promise"
Video description: "Watch Rudy Giuliani's New Television Ad "Promise""
Friends of Fred Thompson: Revolution Web Ad 2 min.
Video description: "Support the True Conservative"