Thursday, April 24, 2008

Hillary Clinton for President: Jobs

Video description: "The next president has to begin putting the American people first. Your jobs. Your health care. Your futures."


Hillary Clinton for President: David

Video description: ""It is one of the highest obligations of our president and Commander-in-Chief to take care of our veterans. We owe everything to those who have served us.""


National Republican Congressional Committee: Warning Label

Note: This ad is not for one of the presidential candidates but an attack ad on Don Cazayouz. However, this ad also strongly attacks Barack Obama.

Video description: "NRCC's latest Don Cazayoux Ad"


Obama for America: "He Has What It Takes" - TV Ad

Video description: "Airing in Pennsylvania."


Hillary Clinton for President: Kitchen

Video description: "Harry Truman said it best: if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Who do you think has what it takes?"


Hillary Clinton for President: Spoke Out

Video description: "America is desperate for economic leadership. All it takes is a president who knows how."


Hillary Clinton for President: For People

Video description: "We need a leader who really cares about the people. She's for families, she's for people like me."


Saturday, April 19, 2008


Video description: ""


National Republican Senatorial Committee: Will Failed Governor Ronnie Musgrove Endorse Barack Obama?

Video description: "Will failed governor Ronnie Musgrove endorse Barack Obama, a man who calls small-town America 'bitter?'"


Obama for America: "[PRES] Obama: Guide"

Video description: "
A new web ad from Democrat Barack Obama."


Mayors Against Illegal Guns Action Fund: MAIG Coalition's 2008 TV Ad

Video description: "Mayors Against Illegal Guns is launching this new TV ad to highlight bipartisan agreement for common sense measures to fight illegal guns such as closing the gun show loophole."


Friends of the Earth Action: Trillions More

Video description: "Senator McCain wants to add provisions for nuclear power into the Lieberman-Warner Bill"


John McCain 2008: TV Ad: Ignite

Video description: ""


Progressive Media USA: McCain: Out of Touch

Video description: "The Same Old Politics
McCain and Bush are one in the same on the economy. They've told us the economy is strong, we're just in a rough patch and we're not headed into a recession.

But here's the facts:
The economy has lost 232,000 jobs this year! From January to March 2008, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported that payroll employment has declined by 232,000. According to the Associated Press, "the year's job losses near the staggering quarter-million mark." [Bureau of Labor Statistics, Change in Payroll Employment, accessed 4/10/08; Associated Press, 4/4/08, emphasis added]

It's time to change the channel on the same old politics."


Hillary Clinton for President: Pennsylvania

Video description: "Take a look at our latest ad airing in Pennsylvania."


Obama for America: "It Won't" - TV Ad

Video description: "On the air in Pennsylvania..."


Hillary Clinton for President: Tammie

Video description: "I asked you to send me your questions and concerns and so many North Carolinians have done that."

[] Barack and the Boss

Video description: "Clinton's Attack Ad DES: On the heels of Bruce Springsteens's endorsement of Barack Obama, Slate V dreams up the perfect attack ad for Hillary Clinton."


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign Committee: Ron Paul - Conservative Choice

Video Description: "Radio ad"


American Leadership Project: Every

Video description: "Latest TV ad from the American Leadership Project highlighting another issue important to the middle class -- Healthcare."


Obama for America: "Dime" TV Ad

Video description: "Airing in Pennsylvania."


Hillary Clinton for President: Closed

Video description: "As your president, Hillary will fight to keep good jobs here in Indiana."


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Obama for America: "Represent" TV Ad

Video description: "Airing in Pennsylvania."


Hillary Clinton for President: Pocket

Video description: "Barack Obama voted for the Bush/Cheney Energy Bill that put $6 billion in the pockets of Big Oil."


National Republican Senatorial Committee: Will 'BLANK' Endorse Barack "Bitter" Obama - Video Press Releases

Video description: "Will Al Franken endorse Barack Obama, a man who calls small-town America 'bitter?'"

Video description: "Will possible running mate Mark Warner vote for Barack Obama, a man who calls small-town America 'bitter?'"

Video description: "Will Superdelegate John Kerry vote for Barack Obama, a man who calls small-town America 'bitter?'"

Video description: "Will Superdelegate Tom Udall vote for Barack Obama, a man who calls small-town America 'bitter?'"

Video description: "Will Superdelegate Mary Landrieu vote for Barack Obama, a man who calls small-town America 'bitter?'"

Video description: "Will Superdelegate Mark Udall vote for Barack Obama, a man who calls small-town America 'bitter?'"


Thursday, April 10, 2008

Hillary Clinton for President: Get It Done

Video description: "Philadelphia Mayor Michael Nutter explains why he's supporting Hillary for president."


Hillary Clinton for President: Spectacular

Video description: "Pennsylvania Governor Ed Rendell says it's going to take a fighter to get us out of the mess we're in -- and Hillary is that fighter."


Hillary Clinton for President: Scranton

Video description: "Hillary spent her summers in Scranton growing up, and those memories are part of the foundation of her faith in the American dream."


Hillary Clinton for President: Falling Through - Pennsylvania

Video description: "The Bush economy is like a trapdoor. Pennsylvania families are too close to falling through."


Hillary Clinton for President: Steel

Video description: "Indiana Senator Evan Bayh says that Hillary Clinton is the leader that Indiana and America needs."

Note: Hillary Clinton's first ad up in Indiana.

[][via The Hotline]

Obama for America: "Maya" PA TV Ad

[via The Hotline]

Hillary Clinton for President: Nuestra Amiga (Our Friend)

Video description: "Hillary is the one candidate in this race who understands the Latino community and the problems that it faces -- lack of health care, the economic crisis, and the high cost of living."


Obama for America: "Billy" PA TV Ad

[via The Hotline]

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hillary Clinton for President: Level - PA

Video description: "Hillary will level the playing field against the special interests."


Obama for America: "Carry" TV Ad

Video description: "Airing in Pennsylvania."


Obama for America: "Opportunity" TV Ad

Video description: "Airing in Pennsylvania"


Obama for America: "Toughest" TV Ad

Video description: "Airing in Pennsylvania."


Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign Committee: 30 Sec. Internet Ad

Video description: "Internet ad featuring Ron Paul at the Cheyenne, WY rally."


Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Hillary Clinton for President: Level - Mississippi

Video description: "Hillary will level the playing field against the special interests."

Note: This one's a repeat tailored for the state of Mississippi.


Democratic National Committee: McCain : No Change

Video description: "Why is George Bush so happy? Because he finally found someone to promise a third Bush term."


Monday, March 10, 2008

Hillary Clinton for President: Level - Mississippi

Video description: " Hillary will level the playing field against the special interests."

Note: This one is a repeat that has been redressed for the state of Mississippi.


Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Obama for America: Ohio Precinct Targeted Door Hanger

Obama Door Hanger Front
Obama Door Hanger Back

Obama for America: Energy - Ohio Direct Mailer

Ohio Democratic Party: Zickar for the Democratic State Central Committee 2nd Dist

Sylvania Citizens for Fire Services: Direct Mailer

3/4% Levy Renewal Committee: Postcard

Obama for America: Ohio Direct Mailer


American Leadership Project: CountOn

Video description: ""


Citizens for 3/4%

Obama for America: NAFTA Direct Mailer

Hillary Clinton for President: True

Video description: "Hillary will never be too busy to defend our national security."


Hillary Clinton for President: Partner

Video description: "The wealthy and well-connected has had a president who works for them for long enough. It's time we had a president who fights for the middle class"


Hillary Clinton for President: Necesito Tu Apoyo

Video description: "Tengo muchos amigos en Texas. Conozco tus tradiciones y tu cultura. Pero también entiendo los problemas que enfrentas."


Obama for America: "Ringing" TV Ad

Video description: "Airing in Texas."


Hillary Clinton for President: Children

Video description: "On March 4th, your vote will decide who will be in the White House to pick up the phone when it rings at 3 AM."


Obama for America: "Moving" TV Ad

Video description: "Airing in Ohio."


Obama for America: "Leader" TV Ad

Video description: "Airing in Texas."


Obama for America: "Safe" TV Ad

Video description: "Airing in Texas."


John McCain 2008: John McCain Ohio Robocall

From Buckeye State Blog: "John McCain Dials for Buckeyes"


John McCain 2008: Ken Blackwell Ohio robocall for McCain

From Buckeye State Blog: "Former Ohio Secretary of State and Republican Gubernatorial candidate Ken Blackwell's robocall for John McCain. "


Obama for America: "Major" TV Ad

Video description: "Airing in Texas."


Obama for America: "Return" TV Ad

Video description: "Airing in Texas."


Obama for America: "Demostro Caracter" TV Ad

Video description: "Airing in Texas."


Obama for America: "Challenged" TV Ad

Video description: "Airing in Ohio."


Obama for America: "Direction" TV Ad

Video description: "Airing in Texas."


Obama for America: "Steve" TV Ad

Video description: "Airing in Ohio."


Obama for America: "Quiet" TV Ad

Video description: "Airing in Ohio and Vermont."


Hillary Clinton for President: Dos Veces

Video description: "Hillary explica la importancia de asistir a las elecciones primarias y al caucus el 4 de Marzo. Asi nuestras voces pueden ser oidas."


Hillary Clinton for President: Level - Rhode Island

Video description: "Hillary will level the playing field against the special interests."


Hillary Clinton for President: Fighter

Video description: "Ohio Governor Ted Strickland says we need a president who will be a fighter -- and that's how he sees Hillary Clinton"


Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Obama for America: "Plan" TV Ad

Video description: "Airing in Ohio."


Hillary Clinton for President: Level - Texas

Video description: "Hillary will level the playing field against the special interests."


Obama for America: Ohio Treasurer Cordray Robocall for Obama

Video description: ""


United Food and Commercial Workers International Union Active Ballort Club: Can We

Video description: "United Food and Commercial Workers Television Ad urging support for Barack Obama for President "


Obama for America: "Oportunidad" TX TV Ad


Obama for America: "Voices" TX TV Ad


SEIU Cope: SEIU ad for Obama

Video description: " The Service Employees International Union have launched a $1 million advertising campaign to promote the election of Barack Obama in the Texas Democratic presidential primary."


Hillary Clinton for President: NAFTA Direct Mailer


VoteVets Action Fund: Priorities - John McCain Ad

Video description: ""


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

March 3, 2008 Lucas County Candidates and Issues Lists

You'll find a pdf for the March 3, 2008 primary election and Central Committee candidates here: Candidate List

The issues list for the March 3, 2008 election are as follows for Lucas County:



Continuation of a three-fourths percent (3/4%) levy on income (one-third (1/3) to the General Fund for police, fire and other Safety Department responsibilities, one-third (1/3) to the General Fund, and one-third (1/3) to the Capital Improvements Fund), commencing January 1, 2009, and ending December 31, 2012.


Zoning resolution entitled Z19-C573 changing the allowed usage for the property located at 1783 Albon Road from RA-4 (Rural Residential) to R-A PUD SUBURBAN Residential PUD.


Additional tax for the benefit of Sylvania Township, Fire, 1.25 mills, for a continuing period of time.


Bond Issue - acquiring, constructing, furnishing, equipping and otherwise improving recreational facilities and improving their sites in the principal amount of $8,980,000, to be repaid annually over a maximum period of twenty (20) years, and an annual levy of property taxes 0.42 mill to pay the annual debt charges on the bonds, and to pay debt charges on any notes issued in anticipation of those bonds.


Renewal tax with an increase in excess for providing for the emergency requirements of the school district in the sum of six million dollars ($6,000,000) and levying a tax at a rate not exceeding 6.5 mills, for a period of five (5) years.


Additional tax for the purpose of current operating expenses at a rate not exceeding 5.9 mills, for a continuing period of time.


Renewal of a tax for the purpose of current expenses, 6.5 mills, for five (5) years.


Sunday sales of wine and mixed beverages and spirituous liquor be permitted between the hours of ten a.m. and midnight by Maumee Robin Inc. doing business as Red Robin at 3100 Main Street, Suite 1500, Maumee, Ohio, 43537, an applicant for a D-6 liquor permit.

I'll try to track down the Wood County list in the next couple of days. If anyone out there has links for any of the Northwest Ohio counties candidate and issue lists please send them to me. I'd love to post them here.

[via Lucas County Board of Elections

Monday, February 25, 2008

The Committee for Schools: Vote for Issue 7

Video description: "Toledo Public School District voters will see this commercial supporting Issue 7 on March 4, 2008."


Hillary Clinton for President: Proud

Video description: "John Glenn says he'll be proud to have Hillary Clinton as his president."


Hillary Clinton for President: Deliver

Video description: "When it's all said and done, Hillary delivers."


Hillary Clinton for President: Level

Video description: "Hillary will level the playing field against the special interests."


Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Hillary Clinton for President: Voice: Vermont

Video description: "If Hillary is our president, she'll bring the voice of Vermonters and all Americans to the White House."


Saturday, February 16, 2008

Obama for America: "Desperate" TV Ad WI


Obama for America: "Our Moment Is Now" TV Ad

Video description: "Airing in Texas and Vermont."


Hillary Clinton for President: Rebuild

Video description: "She is fighting for America's middle class."
"She will end $55 billion in corporate giveaways to special interests and invest that money to help rebuild the middle class."


Hillary Clinton for President: Deserves

Video description: "Barack Obama still hasn't agreed to debate Hillary in Wisconsin."


Obama for America: "President" TV Ad

Video description: "Airing in California, Arkansas, Minnesota, Georgia, Alabama, Hawaii, New Jersey, Nebraska, Massachusetts and many more."


Obama for America: "Need" TV Ad

Video description: "Airing in Wisconsin, North Dakota, Virginia, Connecticut, Utah and Delaware."


Obama for America: "Debate" TV Ad

Video description: "On the air in Wisconsin."


Obama for America: "Economic fairness" Radio Ad in Ohio

Listen here: "Economic fairness" Radio Ad in Ohio


Hillary Clinton for President: Tammy Baldwin Radio Ad in WI

Listen here: Tammy Baldwin Radio Ad


SlateV: Damned Spot: Hillary Goes Negative


Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Hillary Clinton for President: Giving Voice to our Soldiers

Video description: "She'll never stop fighting for those who fight for us, and give voice to those who have none."


Hillary Clinton for President: Wisconsin Ad: "Debate"

Video description: "Both Democratic candidates were invited to a televised debate in Wisconsin. Hillary said yes, Sen. Obama has not."


Obama for America: Spanish-Language Radio Airing in Texas

Listen here: Obama's Spanish-Language Radio Ad

English Translation:

Clip from Barack Obama: “There is not a liberal American and a conservative America; there is the United States of America.”

Barack Obama is talking to me.

He’s faced many of the same challenges that we’ve faced in my family.

His parents weren’t rich, but through hard work, he earned a scholarship and found his way — graduating from Harvard Law School.

And instead of accepting job offers that paid a lot of money, Obama decided to work with churches, giving a helping hand to those less fortunate in his community.

Clip from Barack Obama: In this election, in this moment, let us reach for what we know is possible.

Obama is talking to me.

About the opportunity to go to college … and about ensuring my parents and grandparents have the health care they need.

That’s why I’m talking to others — my parents, my uncles, and my friends — because politics isn’t just for those who like to fight, it’s for those who want to build a better future.

Obama is talking to me, and he’s talking to you too.

BO: I’m Barack Obama and I approve this message.


Obama for America: "Mother" - OH Ad

[][via The Hotline] Anti-McCain Parody of Yes We Can Music Video

If you haven't already, watch the Yes We Can music video first.

Video description: " totally stole this idea from us, we've been thinking for a long time that earnest people reacting to a candidate is the future of music video.

By Election08 On Youtube
Andy Cobb
Josh Funk
Nyima Funk
Marc Evan Jackson
Mark Kienlen
David Pompeii
Marc Warzecha

Special guests:
Beth Farmer
Matt Craig
Rebecca Allen
Kai Pompeii
Kevin Douglas
Victor Lopez

The work that we face in our time is great
in a time of war
and the terrible sacrifices it entails
the promise of a better future is not always clear
there's gonna be other wars
I'm sorry to tell you there's gonna be other wars
there's gonna be a lot of combat wounds
and my friends it's gonna be tough
and we're gonna have a lot to do
That old Beach Boys song, Bomb Iran?
Bomb Bomb Bomb, Bomb...
I'm still convinced that withdrawal means chaos
and if you think that things are bad now
if we withdraw--you ain't seen nothing yet
was the war a good idea, worth the price in blood and treasure?
It was a good idea
President Bush talked about our staying in Iraq for 50 years
Maybe a hundred, that's fine with me
I don't think Americans are concerned if we're there for a hundred years, or a thousand years, or ten thousand years."


Hillary Clinton for President: Lifetime - March 4

Video description: "What I try to do every day is figure out how to help somebody. And that's what I will do as president."


Hillary Clinton for President: Falling Through - Ohio

Video description: "The oil companies, the insurance companies, the drug companies have had a president stand for them for seven years. Hillary will stand for all of us."


Hillary Clinton for President: Obligation

Video description: "Hillary is the only candidate for president with a plan to cover every single person in America. If you believe health care is America's moral obligation, join her."


Obama for America: Obama Radio Ad for Potomac Primary

Video description: "Barack Obama releases a radio ad before contests in Maryland, Virginia, and Washington, D.C."

[] Barack Obama Music Video - Hope Changes Everything

Video description: "New Barack Obama Music Video - Hope changes everything.

Get this video at and upload it to your own YouTube account to show support for America's rock star candidate.

Created by two dedicated Obama supporters in Los Angeles, CA.

Writer/Director: Eric Hirshberg
Producer: Tom Dunlap"

This one is not nearly as powerful as the Yes We Can music video but its worth taking a look at. I post these music videos and other non-ad based videos here on the blog because they demonstrate a creative way to get a message out. Videos like this one and the Yes We Can music video utilize the viral power of the internet rather than the singular controlling feel that you get from broadcast television and radio ads. Sometimes the way that one encounters the message is just as important as how the message is convey. This particular video was sent to me by a fellow blogspotter. If that person hadn't forwarded it on to me I probably wouldn't have decided it was worth posting here. So, in the end the way that a message arrives to its audience can adversely effect how the message is received.


Saturday, February 09, 2008

Friday, February 08, 2008

Hillary Clinton for President: Happen

Video description: "Hillary is the only candidate for president -- Democratic or Republican -- with a plan to provide health care to every single American."


Hillary Clinton for President: Falling Through

Video description: "The oil companies, the insurance companies, the drug companies have had a president stand for them for seven years. Hillary will stand for all of us."


Hillary Clinton for President: Kerrey

Video description: "I support Hillary because I like her, trust her, and have confidence in her as commander-in-chief, as a leader to get our economy on the right track, and to strengthen rural communities."


Tuesday, February 05, 2008 Swift Kids for Truth

Its Super Tuesday and naturally no candidates have released new ads today. So, I'll leave you with some fake ads to tide you over till tomorrow. These parody ads come from 23/6 (that's Enjoy!

Slate V: It's (Always) Time for Change

Video description: "The one thing that never changes in presidential campaigns is the promise of change. In this Damned Spot Classic, David Schwartz of the Museum of the Moving Image shows us how campaign spots dating back 50 years have used the same theme."


Romney for President: "Very Close"

Video description: "Romney For President Campaign Web Ad"


John McCain 2008: TV Ad: Trust

Video description: "Mitt Romney was against Ronald Reagan, before he was for him."


Hillary Clinton for President: Anti-Obama Direct Mailer in Arizona


Monday, February 04, 2008

Romney for President: "Falls Short"

Video description: "Romney for President Radio Ad."


Black Eyed Peas' Barack Obama - Yes We Can music video

Video description: "Black Eyed Peas''s music video inspired by Barack Obama's message of hope.

Yes We Can!
¡Sí, Se Puede!

If you live in a February 5th voting state, go here:

And click your state. We need you on Feb 5th.

It was a creed written into the founding documents that declared the destiny of a nation.

Yes we can.

It was whispered by slaves and abolitionists as they blazed a trail toward freedom.

Yes we can.

It was sung by immigrants as they struck out from distant shores and pioneers who pushed westward against an unforgiving wilderness.

Yes we can.

It was the call of workers who organized; women who reached for the ballots; a President who chose the moon as our new frontier; and a King who took us to the mountaintop and pointed the way to the Promised Land.

Yes we can to justice and equality.

Yes we can to opportunity and prosperity.

Yes we can heal this nation.

Yes we can repair this world.

Yes we can.

We know the battle ahead will be long, but always remember that no matter what obstacles stand in our way, nothing can stand in the way of the power of millions of voices calling for change.

We have been told we cannot do this by a chorus of cynics...they will only grow louder and more dissonant ........... We've been asked to pause for a reality check. We've been warned against offering the people of this nation false hope.

But in the unlikely story that is America, there has never been anything false about hope.

Now the hopes of the little girl who goes to a crumbling school in Dillon are the same as the dreams of the boy who learns on the streets of LA; we will remember that there is something happening in America; that we are not as divided as our politics suggests; that we are one people; we are one nation; and together, we will begin the next great chapter in the American story with three words that will ring from coast to coast; from sea to shining sea --

Yes. We. Can."

Note: This is a really powerful music video that was inspired by Obama's speeches and message. Its probably one of the best examples of a call to action media piece that I've this election cycle. The music video is a modern version of the campaign song without actually being commissioned by the candidate.


John McCain 2008: TV Ad: True Conservative

Video description: ""


Hillary Clinton for President: Arkansas

Video description: "Hillary on Arkansas: 'You taught me so much, and we worked together to expand health care, and improve education.'"


Hillary Clinton for President: Bobby

Video description: "Robert Kennedy Jr. describes how Hillary has inherited his father's legacy of speaking up for the disenfranchised."


Hillary Clinton for President: Dignity

Video description: "Robert Kennedy Jr. and Cesar L. Chavez describe how Hillary is the champion of the voiceless in our society."


Obama for America: "Year" KS TV Ad


Obama for America: Anti-Clinton Direct Mailer

Obama for America: "Join" - Super Bowl TV Ad

[][via The Hotline]

Romney For President: "Experience Matters"


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Obama for America: "Gutierrez" AZ TV Ad

This ad is airing in Arizona and California.

Translation from


LG (ON CAMERA): We know what it feels like being used as a scapegoat just because of our background and last name.


Democratic Congressman for Chicago

(OFF CAMERA) And no one understands this better than Barack Obama!

But neither him nor us have given up.

His fight started many years ago as a community organizer. And now in the Senate, Obama has become a leader for immigration reform.

(ON CAMERA) The fight is not over and no one is going to give us anything for free.

Together with Obama we will build a better future.

BO: I’m Barack Obama and I approve this message.


Obama for America: Anti-Clinton Direct Mailer


Obama for America: Claire McCaskill Radio Ad

Listen here: Claire McCaskill Radio Ad

This one is running in Missouri.


Obama for America: "Dakota" ND TV ad


Obama for America: "Caroline" - TV Ad

Video description: "Television ad including Caroline Kennedy, daughter of President John F. Kennedy."


Hillary Clinton for President: Nuestra Amiga

Video description: "'Nuestra Amiga' señala que Hillary es la candidata que entiende tanto a la comunidad latina, como los problemas a los que se enfrenta -- falta de cuidado de salud, la crisis económica, y los altos costos de vida."

Here's a translation of the ad, from The Page:

Translation of Clinton Ad “Nuestra Amiga”

From the Clinton campaign:

“Nuestra Amiga”
TV: 30

Our voice and our vote will elect the next President of the great country.

Our candidate is Hillary Clinton because she respects our culture and
understands the problems that affect our community.

Millions of Hispanic families live with the fear of not having health

The economic crisis and the cost of living are of concern to all of us.

Hillary is our friend and will help us.

Let’s vote for Hillary on February 5th and we will have a better life.

We are with you!

I’m Hillary Clinton and I approve this message.


Vote Hope: Stevie Wonder for Obama

Video description: "Vote Hope intends to sign, seal and deliver voters to Obama with their latest public service announcement featuring Stevie Wonder. The video PSA, fourth in a series produced by the grassroots organization, encourages youth and underrepresented communities in California to vote during the February 5th primary."

Note: This one is not really formatted for TV but it was good enough to be linked here.


Hillary Clinton for President: Lifetime

Video description: "What I try to do every day is figure out how to help somebody. And that's what I will do as president."


Citizens United Political Victory Fund: Anti-McCain Ad

Here's a link to the ad on The Page: Anti-McCain Ad

Note: I'll try to get a flash player version embedded here as soon as I find one.

Update: Snagged the YouTube version today.


Citizens United Political Victory Fund: Dick Morris' War On Terror Ad

Video description: "Dick Morris' War On Terror Ad"

Note: This one is from October 2007.


Bill Moyers Journal: Political Ads

Bill Moyers Journal had a very sobering story about political ads on last Friday's show. According to Bill Moyers Journal's Rick Karr, all candidates for the 2007-2008 election cycle will spend about $2.5 billion dollars. An absolutely staggering number when you consider that this money almost never makes it into local economies.

You can watch it here: Bill Moyers Journal 01/25/08

Below you can read the transcript from

January 25, 2008

Political Ads

RICK KARR: Political advertising is about to set a new record: two and a half billion dollars. That's how much analysts predict will be spent on political TV ads before November's election by candidates, from the White House to the state house by the groups that support them and by groups that oppose them.

That's two thirds more than they spent in two thousand four - which set the previous record.

The Presidential race will account for at least a third of the total - some eight hundred million dollars. And that can buy a lot of ads. Before the Iowa caucuses, for example if you'd watched every single ad that the candidates ran - all 50,000 or so of them, back-to-back - it would've taken more than 15 days. In New Hampshire on the night before the primary the state's biggest TV station - WMUR in Manchester - aired 34 political ads in just ninety minutes. In the run-up to the primary, the station reportedly earned $11,000,000... from political ads.

BROOKS JACKSON: The 30-second ad definitely is the dominant form of political communication in the United States today as it has been for many years. And as I expect it will continue to be for some time to come.

RICK KARR: Brooks Jackson is a veteran journalist who runs a web site called which evaluates the claims that politicians make as they campaign.

As a voter-- if I see nothing but 30-second spots for the presidential candidates, what kind of picture do I get? How accurate is that picture of what these candidates stand for?

BROOKS JACKSON:If all you know about candidates in an election is what you see in your ads, you are going to cast a very poorly informed vote. Because those ads quite frequently are-- based on information that's selective, or twisted and, sometimes just downright false and made up.

RICK KARR: Political consultants will tell you that TV ads are essential because a candidate can't run an old-fashioned door-to-door campaign from coast-to-coast. And given this year's compressed primary schedule and the twenty-four states voting together on Super Tuesday the only way for candidates to reach the masses and keep control of their messages is with TV ads.

MEREDITH MCGEHEE: After Iowa and New Hampshire, I think we're kind of in a ready, set, go. We are going to see, because of the way the primaries are set up, huge amounts of money spent on advertising, because, there's just no way. There's no way physically or otherwise that these candidates can be in all these states. They're gonna have to run in these states on television.

RICK KARR: So who really profits from the two and a half billion dollars that they'll bring in through this campaign? The biggest beneficiaries will be media conglomerates which have been buying up more and more local TV stations. Take New Hampshire as an example: More than half of the stations that serve the state are owned by conglomerates - media giants such as News Corp., which owns 35 stations nationwide CBS, which owns 39 Sinclair, with forty-six and one you may never have heard of: Ion Media, which owns 57 television stations coast to coast.

Even though those conglomerates broadcast to New Hampshire, not one has its headquarters there. The state's biggest TV presence - the conglomerate Hearst-Argyle, which owns three stations that broadcast there - is run from corporate headquarters in Midtown Manhattan.

Campaign reform advocate Meredith McGehee says that's a big change from the days when most stations were owned by local businesspeople.

MEREDITH MCGEHEE: When you talk to station managers off the record, not on the record, they'll say the way the system works now is, a number comes down from the suits in New York or wherever, to say, "Here is your number for the fourth quarter of 2008. Meet it. Either get it with ads, get it through the politicians. I don't care how you get it. Make it, or we'll find somebody who will."

RICK KARR: And they do 'make it' thanks to political ads and the cash bonanza they bring in. So much so . that corporate bosses at media conglomerates are bragging about how good campaign spots are for the bottom line: In its 2006 annual report, Hearst-Argyle, for example, wrote "We expect that our stations will benefit significantly from the 2008 election cycle." "Political revenue" got its own line in that report. And other media conglomerates have made similar claims. CBS President Les Moonves reportedly told investors last December, "We like the fact that there are a number of candidates with a lot of money behind them".

Now, you might wonder, "What's the big deal? These are corporations, after all - aren't they supposed to maximize profits?" The answer is yes, but - because broadcasters aren't like other businesses. The airwaves that we use are owned by the public.

Think of it this way: when a company drills for oil on public land it owes the public a royalty - a percentage of whatever it earns. Broadcasters don't have to pay for the licenses that give them the right to use the public airwaves but in exchange for those licenses, they ARE supposed to give something back to the public.

MEREDITH MCGEHEE: What they're supposed to do is fulfill these public interest obligations. Insure that the public gets information it needs to be an informed and engaged electorate.

RICK KARR: But local TV stations have been doing a lousy job of that. Nearly two-thirds of Americans say they get most of their news from local TV. Yet when scholars studied how local TV news covered the 2004 campaign they found that the average political story was just 86 seconds long that stations spent more time reporting on weather, sports, and crime than they did on politics and that when they did report on campaigns, nearly half of all stories covered the "horse-race" - who was ahead and who was behind. That kind of reporting dominated the conglomerates' newscasts in the run-up to the Iowa and New Hampshire votes this year.

BROOKS JACKSON: We saw the-- you know, the futility of-- horse race coverage in the period between-- the Iowa caucuses and New Hampshire. When all the polls indicated it was going to be this-- cakewalk for Obama.

I mean, the first amendment gives the press in this country, and that includes-- broadcast outlets, terrific freedom, which is used to make a lot of money. But it's there because-- the voters need information to base a sound decision on. And I think in-- too many cases broadcasters and cable outlets-- are making-- huge amounts of money from running these political ads. Which in many cases are false and misleading. And they're putting very little of that money back into some reporting that would inform their viewers-- about when they're being scammed.

RICK KARR: Broadcasters can get away with reaping huge profits from the public airwaves without giving back to the public because Washington has abandoned its obligation to hold stations accountable to the public interest.

MEREDITH MCGEHEE: The failure is a failure public policy. It's a failure at that Federal Communications Commission, and a failure in Congress. They are not getting for the American people a fair compensation for the value of these airwaves that are being used by the broadcasters. The American people are the ones that get robbed here.

RICK KARR: So in the end, what the public gets is a political campaign dominated by thirty-second sales pitches.

BROOKS JACKSON: What it does that is pernicious is it forces the candidates and their handlers and their media experts to compress-- their message into a very small space, basically a bumper strip. And to try to make it as dramatic as possible so it'll punch through all the competing advertising and all that noise and clutter on 100 cable channels out there, and grab people's attention. And frequently-- truth goes by the wayside. If you think commercial advertising is misleading, you gotta realize it's the wild, wild West when it comes to political advertising.

Monday, January 28, 2008

John McCain 2008: Web Ad: A Tale of Two Mitts

Video description: ""


Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign Committee: Ron Paul Radio Ad: Economy

Video description: "Broadcast this radio ad. Donate today at"


Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign Committee: Ron Paul TV Ad: Our Nation is in Trouble

Video description: "Broadcast this television ad. Donate today at"


Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign Committee: Ron Paul TV Ad: The Only One

Video description: "Broadcast this television ad. Donate today at"


Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee: Rudy Giuliani Web Video "Not Endorsed"

Video description: "Rudy Giuliani Web Video "Not Endorsed""


Obama for America: AZ "First" TV Ad


Obama for America: "Lift" MO TV Ad - STL


Rudy Giuliani Presidential Committee: Rudy Giuliani Television Ad, "Clear"


Friday, January 25, 2008

John Edwards for President: John Edwards - Dear Rural America (Ad Contest Winner)

Video description: "This ad is the grand prize winner of John Edwards' "My Vote, My Voice" ad contest. It's an entry entitled "Dear Rural America" created by brothers Neil and Drew Schimmenti of San Jose, California. The Schimmenti brothers flew to New York City to meet with Sen. Edwards and to develop their concept into a 30-second television spot to air in a February 5th state prior to the Super Tuesday primary."


Huckabee for President: Common Sense

Video description: "Mike Huckabee's campaign ad on taxes."


Romney For President: Democrats' Favorite Republican

Video description: "Romney For President Web Ad"


John McCain 2008: Recognize Radio Ad

Listen here: Recognize (airing in Florida)


John McCain 2008: Grow Radio Ad

Listen here: Grow (airing in Florida)


John McCain 2008: Mayor Crotty Radio Ad

Listen here: Mayor Crotty (airing in Florida)
