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Politics @ 30 frames per second
Increasingly, it is hard for a candidate or issue to get through the political season without cutting a television ad. Increasingly, television and video are becoming ubiquitous parts of our lives. And, the amount of money spent on ads in Northwest Ohio continues to break records with every election year. Get ready for Politics @ 30fps.
Monday, September 13, 2010
It's Yet Another New Political Season!
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Hillary Clinton for President: Jobs
Video description: "The next president has to begin putting the American people first. Your jobs. Your health care. Your futures."
Hillary Clinton for President: David
Video description: ""It is one of the highest obligations of our president and Commander-in-Chief to take care of our veterans. We owe everything to those who have served us.""
National Republican Congressional Committee: Warning Label
Note: This ad is not for one of the presidential candidates but an attack ad on Don Cazayouz. However, this ad also strongly attacks Barack Obama.
Video description: "NRCC's latest Don Cazayoux Ad"
Obama for America: "He Has What It Takes" - TV Ad
Video description: "Airing in Pennsylvania."
Hillary Clinton for President: Kitchen
Video description: "Harry Truman said it best: if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen. Who do you think has what it takes?"
Hillary Clinton for President: Spoke Out
Video description: "America is desperate for economic leadership. All it takes is a president who knows how."
Hillary Clinton for President: For People
Video description: "We need a leader who really cares about the people. She's for families, she's for people like me."
Saturday, April 19, 2008
National Republican Senatorial Committee: Will Failed Governor Ronnie Musgrove Endorse Barack Obama?
Video description: "Will failed governor Ronnie Musgrove endorse Barack Obama, a man who calls small-town America 'bitter?'"
Obama for America: "[PRES] Obama: Guide"
Video description: "
A new web ad from Democrat Barack Obama."
Mayors Against Illegal Guns Action Fund: MAIG Coalition's 2008 TV Ad
Video description: "Mayors Against Illegal Guns is launching this new TV ad to highlight bipartisan agreement for common sense measures to fight illegal guns such as closing the gun show loophole."
Friends of the Earth Action: Trillions More
Video description: "Senator McCain wants to add provisions for nuclear power into the Lieberman-Warner Bill"
Progressive Media USA: McCain: Out of Touch
Video description: "The Same Old Politics
McCain and Bush are one in the same on the economy. They've told us the economy is strong, we're just in a rough patch and we're not headed into a recession.
But here's the facts:
The economy has lost 232,000 jobs this year! From January to March 2008, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported that payroll employment has declined by 232,000. According to the Associated Press, "the year's job losses near the staggering quarter-million mark." [Bureau of Labor Statistics, Change in Payroll Employment, accessed 4/10/08; Associated Press, 4/4/08, emphasis added]
It's time to change the channel on the same old politics."
Hillary Clinton for President: Pennsylvania
Video description: "Take a look at our latest ad airing in Pennsylvania."
Obama for America: "It Won't" - TV Ad
Video description: "On the air in Pennsylvania..."
Hillary Clinton for President: Tammie
Video description: "I asked you to send me your questions and concerns and so many North Carolinians have done that."