Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Hillary Clinton for President: Nuestra Amiga

Video description: "'Nuestra Amiga' señala que Hillary es la candidata que entiende tanto a la comunidad latina, como los problemas a los que se enfrenta -- falta de cuidado de salud, la crisis económica, y los altos costos de vida."

Here's a translation of the ad, from The Page:

Translation of Clinton Ad “Nuestra Amiga”

From the Clinton campaign:

“Nuestra Amiga”
TV: 30

Our voice and our vote will elect the next President of the great country.

Our candidate is Hillary Clinton because she respects our culture and
understands the problems that affect our community.

Millions of Hispanic families live with the fear of not having health

The economic crisis and the cost of living are of concern to all of us.

Hillary is our friend and will help us.

Let’s vote for Hillary on February 5th and we will have a better life.

We are with you!

I’m Hillary Clinton and I approve this message.


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