Saturday, April 19, 2008


Video description: ""


National Republican Senatorial Committee: Will Failed Governor Ronnie Musgrove Endorse Barack Obama?

Video description: "Will failed governor Ronnie Musgrove endorse Barack Obama, a man who calls small-town America 'bitter?'"


Obama for America: "[PRES] Obama: Guide"

Video description: "
A new web ad from Democrat Barack Obama."


Mayors Against Illegal Guns Action Fund: MAIG Coalition's 2008 TV Ad

Video description: "Mayors Against Illegal Guns is launching this new TV ad to highlight bipartisan agreement for common sense measures to fight illegal guns such as closing the gun show loophole."


Friends of the Earth Action: Trillions More

Video description: "Senator McCain wants to add provisions for nuclear power into the Lieberman-Warner Bill"


John McCain 2008: TV Ad: Ignite

Video description: ""


Progressive Media USA: McCain: Out of Touch

Video description: "The Same Old Politics
McCain and Bush are one in the same on the economy. They've told us the economy is strong, we're just in a rough patch and we're not headed into a recession.

But here's the facts:
The economy has lost 232,000 jobs this year! From January to March 2008, the Bureau of Labor Statistics has reported that payroll employment has declined by 232,000. According to the Associated Press, "the year's job losses near the staggering quarter-million mark." [Bureau of Labor Statistics, Change in Payroll Employment, accessed 4/10/08; Associated Press, 4/4/08, emphasis added]

It's time to change the channel on the same old politics."


Hillary Clinton for President: Pennsylvania

Video description: "Take a look at our latest ad airing in Pennsylvania."


Obama for America: "It Won't" - TV Ad

Video description: "On the air in Pennsylvania..."


Hillary Clinton for President: Tammie

Video description: "I asked you to send me your questions and concerns and so many North Carolinians have done that."

[] Barack and the Boss

Video description: "Clinton's Attack Ad DES: On the heels of Bruce Springsteens's endorsement of Barack Obama, Slate V dreams up the perfect attack ad for Hillary Clinton."


Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Ron Paul 2008 Presidential Campaign Committee: Ron Paul - Conservative Choice

Video Description: "Radio ad"


American Leadership Project: Every

Video description: "Latest TV ad from the American Leadership Project highlighting another issue important to the middle class -- Healthcare."


Obama for America: "Dime" TV Ad

Video description: "Airing in Pennsylvania."


Hillary Clinton for President: Closed

Video description: "As your president, Hillary will fight to keep good jobs here in Indiana."


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Obama for America: "Represent" TV Ad

Video description: "Airing in Pennsylvania."


Hillary Clinton for President: Pocket

Video description: "Barack Obama voted for the Bush/Cheney Energy Bill that put $6 billion in the pockets of Big Oil."


National Republican Senatorial Committee: Will 'BLANK' Endorse Barack "Bitter" Obama - Video Press Releases

Video description: "Will Al Franken endorse Barack Obama, a man who calls small-town America 'bitter?'"

Video description: "Will possible running mate Mark Warner vote for Barack Obama, a man who calls small-town America 'bitter?'"

Video description: "Will Superdelegate John Kerry vote for Barack Obama, a man who calls small-town America 'bitter?'"

Video description: "Will Superdelegate Tom Udall vote for Barack Obama, a man who calls small-town America 'bitter?'"

Video description: "Will Superdelegate Mary Landrieu vote for Barack Obama, a man who calls small-town America 'bitter?'"

Video description: "Will Superdelegate Mark Udall vote for Barack Obama, a man who calls small-town America 'bitter?'"
